Chambeyronia macrocarpa 'Hookeri'

 commonly known as the Red Leaf Palm or Flame Thrower Palm, is a beautiful palm tree known for its striking new leaves that emerge bright red before maturing to green. This palm is native to the rainforests of New Caledonia, an island in the Southwest Pacific. 

With a new red leaf just as spectacular as the regular C. macrocarpa, the most notable difference in this much sought-after form is its pale yellow colored crownshaft. It has thus been called the Yellow or Blonde Flame Thrower. The seeds are easily told apart from regular Chambeyronia macrocarpa by their unique pattern of pale fibers. Despite its origin from tropical New Caledonia it is surprisingly easy to grow, doing well in the tropics as well as in all warm temperate climates that do not experience more than an occasional freeze. It prefers a position in shade when young.

Here are some general details and care tips for this palm:

1. **Appearance**: The most noticeable feature of the palm is its bright red new frond that, when it unfurls, gives an appearance reminiscent of a flame thrower, hence the name. Mature leaves are pinnate (feather-shaped) and deep green.

2. **Height**: Mature trees can reach heights of 8-12 meters (25-40 feet) with a crown spread of 2-3 meters (6-10 feet).

3. **Growth Rate**: It has a moderate growth rate, adding several new fronds each year under optimal conditions.

4. **Soil**: Prefers well-draining soil. It's important to avoid letting the palm sit in stagnant water.

5. **Light**: While it can tolerate direct sunlight, the Flame Thrower Palm prefers partial shade, especially when young. If transitioning it to full sun, do so gradually.

6. **Water**: It requires regular watering, especially when young. Make sure the soil is moist but not soggy.

7. **Temperature**: Chambeyronia macrocarpa is somewhat cold-tolerant but prefers tropical or subtropical climates. It can handle temperatures down to about -3°C (27°F) for brief periods, but it's best to protect it from frost.

8. **Fertilization**: Use a palm-specific fertilizer several times a year to support its growth and maintain its health.

9. **Pruning**: Generally, only dead fronds should be pruned to keep the palm looking tidy.

10. **Pests**: Watch out for common palm pests like spider mites, scale, and mealybugs.

11. **Landscaping Use**: Due to its striking appearance, it's often used as a focal point in tropical and subtropical gardens. The bright red new growth is a unique feature that catches the eye and adds a splash of color to landscapes.

If you're considering adding this palm to your garden or indoor collection, ensure it has adequate space to grow, and remember to provide it with the care it needs to thrive.

Germinating **Chambeyronia macrocarpa** seeds, like many palm seeds, requires a bit of patience and specific care. 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to germinate Flame Thrower Palm seeds:

1. **Seed Acquisition**: Ensure that the seeds you are starting with are fresh. The fresher the seeds, the higher the germination rate. Look for seeds that are full, heavy for their size, and free of visible cracks or damage.

2. **Soaking**: Soak the seeds in warm water for 48-72 hours. This helps soften the seed coat and initiates the germination process.

3. **Sterilization**: To prevent fungal or bacterial growth, you can give the seeds a brief soak (about 30 minutes) in a solution of water with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. This step is optional but can help improve germination success.

4. **Medium**: Prepare a germination mix of equal parts peat moss, perlite, and sand. Ensure the mix is well-draining.

5. **Planting**: Fill a container or pot with the germination mix. Place the seed on its side and push it into the mix so it's halfway buried. 

6. **Moisture**: The medium should be kept consistently moist, but not soggy. It's a good idea to water from the bottom to prevent water from sitting on the surface and causing mold.

7. **Temperature**: Chambeyronia macrocarpa seeds prefer warm temperatures for germination. A consistent temperature range of 25-30°C (77-86°F) is ideal. If you're germinating indoors and your home is cooler, consider using a seedling heat mat.

8. **Light**: While light isn't crucial for the germination process itself (the seeds can germinate in the dark), once sprouted, the seedlings will require indirect light.

9. **Patience**: Palm seeds, including those of Chambeyronia macrocarpa, can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to germinate. Keep the medium consistently moist and warm.

10. **Transplanting**: Once the seedlings have produced a few true leaves and seem sturdy, you can transplant them to a larger pot with a good-quality potting mix.

11. **Fungal Issues**: Palms seeds are sometimes prone to fungal growth due to the moisture and warmth they need for germination. Ensure good air circulation around the germination area, and consider using a fungicide if mold becomes an issue.

Remember that germination rates can vary, and not all seeds will sprout. Ensure you provide the right conditions, regularly check the moisture level of the medium, and have patience as you wait for the seeds to sprout.