100% Organic Greek Calendula Marigold Petals & Flowers Herbal Tea - Calendula Officinalis L - Superior Quality Herbs{Certified Bio Product}



Greekherbay Bio Calendula Marigold tea product description: 

* Our Greek Organic Calendula Marigold is selected from a Greek organically certified farm. The harvesting and the drying process are done in a traditional way. This fact makes our Calendula stand out for its exceptional quality, appearance, taste and aroma. The beautiful full orange flowers of the calendula combined with the delightful fresh scent gives it a touch of beauty in your pantry!!

**Bio Calendula Marigold, like the rest of our aromatic herbs, is stored in a cool, dark and dry place and sold in special food-grade airtight packaging, with the aim of preserving their aroma and taste for a long time.

***Greek Traditional Recipe : -The decoction is made with 5g. plant per 100g. water, three times a day. Tea of ​​the plant (two spoons in a kilo of water).

Place a quantity of the herb in a saucepan, cover with water and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Drain the herb and dip a clean cloth (towel, gauze, etc.) into the decoction. We place the cloth on the skin (while it is warm).

-Calendula can also be used externally, mainly in the form of oil or moisturizing cream.

In our store, you will find domestic linden of excellent quality.

History and tradition
The name Calendula was given to the plant by the Romans because it bloomed every first month, i.e. on Kalends. This beautiful, annual plant is endemic to southern Europe.
Calendula was used in the ancient Greek, Roman, Arabic and Indian cultures as an herb, but also in cosmetics and even in textiles.Early Christians called calendula "Mary's Gold" and placed it next to statues of the Virgin Mary.

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