This vintage Nokia M11TXE series cell phone is a great find for collectors and fans of classic technology. It could be a valuable addition to any collection. The phone is designed in black color and is compatible with the 1&1 network. The phone is made by Nokia, a trusted and reliable brand in the mobile phone industry. I'm not sure if it is in working condition or not. The cell phone  cord needs replacing, and the antenna is not included. Made in Korea.

This vintage Nokia phone is a great way to relive the past and experience the technology of a bygone era. Its sleek and stylish design is sure to impress, and its compatibility with the 1&1 network makes it an ideal choice for those who are looking for a unique and rare piece of technology. Whether you're a collector or simply looking for a one-of-a-kind phone to add to your collection, this vintage Nokia M11TXE series cell phone is a piece of history. The phone has not been tested.