100% Organic Greek Lemon Verbena Dried Leaves Loose Herbal Tea - Aloysia Citrodora - Superior Quality Herbs&Spice {Certified Bio Product}


Greekherbay Bio Lemon Verbena tea product description: 

* Our Greek Organic Lemon Verbena is selected from a Greek organically certified farm. The harvesting and the drying process are done in a traditional way. This fact makes our Lemon Verbena stand out for its exceptional quality, appearance, taste and aroma. With strong lemon flavor and wonderful aroma. One of the best known herbs for burning fat.It is a pure and rare jewel of nature that will keep you company and fill your pantry with a perfectly strong lemon scent, taking you back in time to the old neighborhoods of Greece where every house has a lemon in its yard!!!!!
With love from greekerbay enjoy!!!

**Our Greek Organic Lemon Verbena , like the rest of our aromatic herbs, is stored in a cool, dark and dry place and sold in special food-grade airtight packaging, with the aim of preserving their aroma and taste for a long time.

***1)Greek Traditional Recipe : 
– 5-6 Lemon Verbena
– 1 cup of water
– 1 teaspoon of honey
– 1 ½ sweet spoon of lavender
Preparation method:  Boil the water and then add the Lemon verbena  and lavender Buds. Let them extract all the ingredients and release their aroma for about 5 minutes and then strain them and turn the mixture into the mug we want. At the end, we add the Greek honey!!

2)Greek Traditional Recipe :
Cool infusion with Lemon verbena.
– 2 tablespoons of bay leaves
– 2 tablespoons of marjoram
– sideritis mountain tea
– a little dittany
– 1 liter of water
- greek honey
Preparation method:   Add all the herbs to a pot. Then add water from the kettle and leave for 5 minutes until the herbs release all their aromas. Then, strain well and transfer to a glass container, which we put in the refrigerator. When we want to consume, we add ice cubes to our glass and as much honey as we need.

In our store, you will find domestic Greek Organic Lemon Verbena of excellent quality.

History and tradition:
"The Romans and the ancient Greeks used it to bless the altars
of their temples. The vine is also associated with a very important chapter of the Christian faith as the herb is said to have stopped the bleeding of Jesus' wounds while he lay there
on the cross, which is why it is possibly also referred to as "grass of the cross or cross herb".

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