100% Organic Sea Buckthorn Berries Osmotic Seaberry - Hippophae Rhamnoides - Superior Quality Superfood&Dried Fruits {Certified Bio Product} - No Sugar Added


Contains: Hippophaes, concentrated apple juice.
Product of organic cultivation.
Rich in vitamin C.

Energy¨1442/345 kj/kcal
Fat 0.84 of which saturated 0.17
Carbohydrates 79.8 of which sugars 65.5
Fibers 7.5
Protein 2.3
Salt 0.01

Store in a cool and shady place.
may contain traces of nuts, soy, gluten, and sesame.

Sea Buckthorn berries are one of the most widely grown, northern-hardy fruiting plants in the world. The berries grow on a thorny shrub, botanically known as Hippophae rhamnoides, from the Greek word for “shining horse,” after Greeks took note of the shinier coats on the horses that fed on Sea Buckthorn berries and leaves. ‘Rhamnoides’ means “buckthorn-like” because Sea Buckthorn isn’t a true ‘buckthorn’ and belongs to the order Elaeagnaceae. The small edible berries are often called ‘Sea berries’ or Swallow berries for the faint yellow dye they impart on cloth.

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