Comfrey – 10 Seeds
Symphytum officinale

Comfrey seeds or any part of the plant is NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION

Perennial herb with clump forming habit.  Plants have large dark green, hairy, ovate leaves and produce upright stems with white to pink bell-like flowers.  Plants grow to 120cm tall by 60cm wide.  Very fast growing.

Comfrey is often used to improve soil quality.  Plants have deep roots which bring up nutrients from deep in the soil and make them available to other shallow rooted plants.  Leaves a can be used to make a liquid fertiliser.  Leaves are a fantastic compost activator.  Comfrey is also a popular companion plant.   

Also known as Comphrey, Knitbone, Common Comfrey, and English Comfrey.


How to sow and grow:
Method: Raise seedling
Sowing Depth: 5mm
When: Spring and Autumn
Position: Part or full sun, moist soil
Plant Spacing: 60cm
Hardiness: Frost hardy
Plant Height: 120cm
Days to Maturity/flowering: 365 days
Care: Can be invasive. Cold stratification may help germination.