Significance of Vibhuti  

Baba has often spoken of the significance of this Vibhuti. Since it is materialized out of nothing and since the Ash is specifically associated with Siva, it is reverentially known by devotees as Kailasa Vibhuti, the sacred Ash of Siva who resides on Mount Kailasa. It is named Vibhuti since it endows one with prosperity; Bhasma - "ashes" because it burns away all sins; Bhasitam - "brightened" because it increases one's spiritual splendor; Ksharam - "destruction" since it removes danger; and Raksha - "protector" for it is an armor against the machinations of evil spirits. This is how the Vibhuti is praised in the Brihad Jabala Upanishad, one of the ancient spiritual texts. Baba says Vibhuti is also a constant reminder of the evanescence of the body which, ultimately, is reduced in cremation to a potful of ash!

Vibhuti is the most precious object in a spiritual sense. Shiva burnt the God of Desire for he agitates the mind and increases the confusion already existing there. Shiva burnt him into a heap of ashes. When the God of desire was destroyed, Prema (Love) reigned supreme. When there is no desire to control the mind, love can be true for all.

The application of this Holy Ash is a reminder for us to achieve our victory over desire. Ash is the ultimate condition of things; it cannot undergo any further change. Ash cannot fade as flowers do in a day or two, it does not dry and disappear or get soiled and unpotable as water does. It does not lose colour as leaves do in a few hours and it does not rot as fruits do in a few days.

Ash is ash forever and ever. This state of ash reminders us of our true nature, which is the atma, our soul. Our soul never undergoes any change. So burn your vices, your bad habits, and worship the Lord rendering yourself pure in thought, word and deed. Reach the state of nothingness and attain liberation by absorbing the essence of the vibhuti that we apply on our foreheads.

When we recite this vibhut mantra, we say “I take refuge in the supremely sacred vibhuti of the Lord, the wonderful vibhuti which bestows liberation, the sacred state which I desire to attain.”

Vibhuti is the most precious object in a spiritual sense. Shiva burnt the God of Desire for he agitates the mind and increases the confusion already existing there. Shiva burnt him into a heap of ashes. When the God of desire was destroyed, Prema (Love) reigned supreme. When there is no desire to control the mind, love can be true for all.

The application of this Holy Ash is a reminder for us to achieve our victory over desire. Ash is the ultimate condition of things; it cannot undergo any further change. Ash cannot fade as flowers do in a day or two, it does not dry and disappear or get soiled and unpotable as water does. It does not lose colour as leaves do in a few hours and it does not rot as fruits do in a few days.

Ash is ash forever and ever. This state of ash reminders us of our true nature, which is the atma, our soul. Our soul never undergoes any change. So burn your vices, your bad habits, and worship the Lord rendering yourself pure in thought, word and deed. Reach the state of nothingness and attain liberation by absorbing the essence of the vibhuti that we apply on our foreheads.

Since this mantra is so powerful, we should recite it with respect and with sincerity in order that we gain the full benefit from it.