Wel Penela is an annual herb which is very common in the low country and throughout the tropics. It is small delicate, smooth, climber. Its leaves are alternate and the leaflets are coarsely toothed. The lowest pair of flower stalks Are converted into spiral tendrils and the seeds are in three tangled capsules.

It was very largely used the Sinhalese settlers to alley pains due to sprains and contusions about the joints. The roots and the leaves are commonly used in medicine. A decoction of the Wel- penela roots is given in half tablespoon- ful does twice a day for bleeding piles. The leaves are used for rheumatism, nervous diseases, hemorrhoids and chronic bronchitis. The juice of the leaves are put into the ear for ear-ache. Equal parts of Wel penel leaves, Shinda-lunu .the root bark of Hin-kumbuk (Terminalia arjuna) Vadakaha (Acorus Calanus) are pounded and made into a paste with milk.