Sexual Enhancement Kaempfeira Parviflora
 Thai Black Ginger Black Galingale

  • Condition : New
  • Quantity : 1 Bottle
  • Size : 100 Capsules / Bottle
Black Galingale is one of Thai herbs. It is worldwide used and  well accepted in term of benefits such as increasing hormones,doping,Atherosclerosis enlargement. Both men and women are able to consumed daily leading to age slower. It is a gentleman for men. Make your body fit and healthy be healthy Young.

  • - It is an elixir for men.
  • - Make the body healthy
  • - be healthy
  • - Stay young
  • - nourishes testosterone
  • - Helps in the body's circulatory system
  • - Helps relieve beriberi

Direction: 1 capsule, 1 time per day before bedtime, each capsule (400 mg) contains 250 mg of black ginger and other herbs.

Back Ginger (Krachai Dam) is a famous and potent Thai herb, used since ancient times, to increase stamina and enhance sexual performance for men and to increase libido for both men and women. It is most well-known for improving erectile function in men.

Thai Black Ginger has many interesting properties 
and the one of the most interesting being sex enhancement and rejuvenation. 
Thai Black Ginger contains substantial amounts of PDE5 inhibitors,
 which act similarly Viagra, with the ability 
to enhance sexual performance by increasing blood-flow to the testis and stimulating dopaminergic functions in the hypothalamus.
 Furthermore, Thai Black Ginger can increase sperm density and promote health through its Adaptogenic activity, reducing triglycerides.