Garlic Granulated Garlic Granules Powder 20g(0.7oz)4.9kg(10.8lb) Allium sativum


Scientific Name:Allium Sativum.

Granule garlic is dehydrated garlic in granule form. Garlic has been known since ancient times.

It is an integral component of Greek cuisine since it is found in many traditional dishes such as tzatziki and skordalia.
Granule garlic is dehydrated garlic in granule form. Garlic has been known since ancient times.

Garlic is a long-lived plant. 7,000 years ago, the Egyptians were considered great lovers of garlic. They used early forms of this herb in almost all of their dishes.

When it comes to cooking, with its strong characteristic aroma, garlic raw or dried
 or cooked, it highlights dishes and salads or even dishes prepared with spicy vegetables.

Traditionally used as an antipyretic and tonic, and against stress.

Intense strong aroma and perfect taste for culinary creations.

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