HOGARTH MORALIZED, A Complete Edition of all the Most Capital and Admired Works of William Hogarth

Author: Trusler, Dr., ed. Hogarth, William
Title: HOGARTH MORALIZED, A Complete Edition of all the Most Capital and Admired Works of William Hogarth
Publication: London: Printed at the Shakespeare Press for John Major, 1831

Description: xxvi, 293p (i). Illustrated with wood engravings in the text and the complete set of fine engravings on India paper. Bound by Riviere in full maroon crushed morocco, t.e.g., the spine densely gilt with floral ornamentation, the sides with triple fillets, fancy dentelles. Fine.

Unique copy with original pencil drawings by George Cruikshank marked in his hand: "Copies of Hogarth" and with a self-portrait of Cruikshank in the margin, and also the original drawing for the engraved plate of "The Public Lecture".
Also the original drawings for "The Laughing Audience" and "The Company of Undertakers", with directions to the engraver.

Provenance: From the collection of H. W. Brunton, literary executor of George Cruikshank, with his signature on the flyleaf, and subsequently from the library of Charles H. Senff (1841-1927, industrialist, book and art collector) with the book plate of his widow, Gustavia A. Senff (1858-1927).

Seller ID: 23835

Subject: Illustrated

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