Seymour Duncan JJN P90 Silencer Soapbar Bridge Pickup
Item Number 11302-57-Bc
DCR 12.31k
2 Conductor
Ceramic Magnet
Brand New with Full Warranty

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Jared James Nichols burst onto the scene as a throwback to the P90 playing power trio titans of the 70s. To deliver his signature sound, he needed a P90 that was voiced with limitless range that could cover everything from sparkling cleans to barking dirty tones. In his own words, he needed something “delicate and strong, like a grizzly bear and a paper airplane landing.”

After years on the road playing different venues coast to coast and abroad, he’s encountered a variety of unique hum inducing sources. Having a pickup that could retain the quintessential tone and appearance of the classic P90 pickup without hum was a must. The JJN P90 Silencer was custom voiced specifically to Jared’s unique tone without the hum. The pickups are drop-in replacements for any standard P90 route.

“Simply put, the Seymour Duncan Jared James Nichols P90 Silencer is my dream pickup.”

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All items come with a 30 day money back guarantee, so your purchase is risk-free.  

I have been a musician for over 40 years, and know that quality items can greatly help both your sound quality and musical enjoyment. Using Seymour Duncan items myself in my '52 reissue Tele, and other guitars, I can find the tone I am looking for.  With the 30 day exchange, if you don't like the sound, you can send it back to me and try something else from Duncan, or get your money back.  Plus, with the one year warranty from Duncan, you are covered should a failure occur.  

That's a pretty good deal.

Hopefully, I can be of assistance in your pursuit of great items that you will enjoy for years to come.Your satisfaction is top priority, and I will do everything in my power to make your purchase a worthwhile experience.

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