
Basilur Tea Ceylon Amethyst - Artisan Collection hand-picked purple tea


Ceylon amethyst is a low-grown hand-picked purple tea, which is an entirely new classification of tea! Purple tea is produced from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant, the same from which black, green, and other types of tea are produced. The “purple” tea when brewed releases a very light purple ring around the inside of the teacup. This ring only is visible when the tea is hot and gives out a purple silhouette on the surface of the beverage. Purple leaf tea has a similar fruity and floral flavour profile to oolong, and is lighter than black tea but does not taste quite as vegetal as green tea. It overall a well-balanced tea that is both visually mystical and indulgingly gentle to the senses..


Country of Origin

Sri Lanka


Storage Information - Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight. Once opened, store in an air-tight container.


Product Weight
