WeWesen Emergency Blankets are made with a special type of material called Mylar, which is a reflective material that helps to trap heat. The black color of the mylar blanket also helps to absorb heat, making it even more effective at keeping you warm.

Light, compact, and affordable, you can easily pack and store this reliable emergency blankets for when you need them the most

Emergency Blanket provides a dependable way to maintain warmth and safety in the cold!

When you are using a Mylar Emergency Blanket, it is important to make sure that the reflective side of the thermal blanket is facing toward you. This will help to reflect your body heat back towards you, keeping you warm. You can also use the thermal blanket to create a makeshift shelter, which can help to block out wind and rain.

Secure your Survival with Confidence!

- Additional tips for using a WeWesen Outdoor Mylar Emergency Blanket -