Comedies, Moliere
Four Plays, Henrik Ibsen
Gargantua & Pantagruel, Francois Rabelais
Pere Goriot, Honore De Balzac
Plays, Anton Chekhov
Romantic Poets-William Blake to Edgar Allan Poe 
Stories, Guy De Maupassant
Decameron, Giovanni Boccaccio
Magic Mountain, Thomas Mann
The Mill on the Floss, George Eliot
The Portrait of a Lady, Henry James
The Red and the Black, Stendhal
The Return of the Native, Thomas Hardy
Tom Jones the Foundling, Henry Fielding
Twenty-Nine Selected Essays, Michel De Montaigne
Vanity Fair, William Thackeray 

These book below are sold. 
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain SOLD
Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll. SOLD
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy. SOLD
Barchester Towers, Anthony Trollope. SOLD
Candide, Voltaire. SOLD
Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer. SOLD
Crime and Punishment, Feodor Dostoevsky. SOLD
David Copperfield, Charles Dickens. SOLD
Don Quixote De La Mancha, Cervantes SOLD
Fathers and Sons, Ivan Turgenev. SOLD
Faust, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. SOLD
Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift. SOLD
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte. SOLD
Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman. SOLD
Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert. SOLD
Moby Dick, Herman Melville. SOLD
Paradise Lost, John Milton. SOLD
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen. SOLD
Rhetoric and on Poetics, Aristotle. SOLD
Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe. SOLD
Selected Dialogues, Plato. SOLD
Selected Lives, Plutarch. SOLD
Selected Plays, William Shakespeare. SOLD
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (SOLD)
The Aeneid, Virgil. SOLD
The Annals of Tacitus.  SOLD
The Confessions of Saint Augustine. SOLD
The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri. SOLD
The Odyssey, Homer (SOLD)
The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne  SOLD
The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner. SOLD
Treasure Island, Robert Lewis Stevenson. SOLD
Ulysses, James Joyce. SOLD
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte. SOLD