Product Description

The good ideal toy for kids who love to play pretend store!

FS Cash Register Toy is a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about money and practice their math skills.

With its realistic design and functional features, this toy register will provide hours of entertainment for your little ones.

This toy features a working calculator that helps children learn basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. It also has a scanner that beeps and lights up when an item is "scanned," a credit card swiper, and a cash drawer that pops open when you press the button.

Made with high-quality materials, this cash register toy is built to last and can withstand even the most enthusiastic play..

Your little ones will love playing store with this realistic cash register toy. They can set up shop and sell all kinds of items, from food to toys and books. It's a good way for them to develop their imagination, social skills, and business sense in a fun and safe environment.

Get your child a Cash Register Toy today and watch them have endless hours of fun while learning valuable skills!