A dressage saddle is a specialized type of equestrian saddle designed for the discipline of dressage, which is a highly skilled form of riding that emphasizes precision, elegance, and harmony between the rider and the horse. The design of a dressage saddle is intended to facilitate the rider's correct position and aid in communication with the horse.


Material: Premium Top-Grain Leather

Color: As per picture

Tree:- Wooden

Size: Available in various sizes to suit your needs.

Included: Saddle, stirrup leathers, and Iron Stirrup

Deep Seat: Dressage saddles have a deep, straight-sided seat that allows the rider to sit close to the horse's back. The deep seat helps the rider maintain a balanced position and a close connection with the horse.

Long, Straight Flaps: The flaps of a dressage saddle are long and straight, providing a vertical line from the rider's hip to the heel. This design allows the rider's leg to hang long and straight, promoting a correct and effective leg position.

Straight Flap Design: The flaps of a dressage saddle are designed to lie straight down the horse's sides, providing a clear and direct line of communication between the rider's aids and the horse.

Dressage saddles are carefully designed to support the rider in achieving the correct position and aids necessary for performing intricate and precise movements in dressage routines. The emphasis is on creating harmony between the rider and the horse while allowing the horse to move freely and express itself through the various dressage exercises.