Riding side saddle, also known as "lady's saddle," is a traditional and elegant style of riding primarily associated with women. In this riding style, the rider sits with both legs on one side of the horse, rather than astride as in the more common modern riding style. Riding side saddle requires specific equipment and a unique set of skills.

**1. ** .Saddle: The side saddle itself is designed to accommodate the rider's position. It has a raised pommel on the offside (the right side) and a lower pommel on the near side (the left side), providing support and security for the rider. The seat is shaped to allow the rider to sit comfortably with the right leg draped over the offside, while the left leg rests against a curved "leaping head" or "horn" for stability.

**2. ** Stirrups: One of the distinctive features of the side saddle is the absence of a stirrup on the offside. The rider's right leg is supported by a fixed or hinged "offside stirrup iron," which helps maintain balance. On the near side, a single stirrup is attached to a leather strap, known as the "leather" or "stirrup leather." The rider's left foot is placed in this stirrup.

**3. ** Leaping Horn: The leaping horn, located on the left side of the saddle, is an essential element for maintaining balance and security. It curves around the front of the rider's left thigh, providing a point of contact for the leg and aiding in stability when jumping or riding at faster paces.

**4. ** Riding Attire: Traditional attire for side saddle riding is formal and often reflects historical equestrian fashion. This may include a riding habit, gloves, a hat or veil, and riding boots. The attire is not only functional but also adds to the overall elegance and grace associated with side saddle riding.

**5. ** Technique: Riding side saddle requires a unique set of skills. The rider's weight is distributed to the left side, and communication with the horse is facilitated through subtle cues and shifts in weight and balance. Riding circles, turns, and jumps all involve coordinated movements to maintain stability and control.

**6. ** Events and Competitions: Side saddle riding is often showcased in events and competitions that celebrate traditional horsemanship. Competitors are judged not only on their riding skills but also on the overall presentation, including attire and the horse's performance.

**7. ** Modern Adaptations: While side saddle riding has historical roots, there are modern adaptations to make it more accessible and comfortable. Improved saddle designs and materials contribute to both safety and aesthetics. Additionally, there is a renewed interest in side saddle riding as an art form and a nod to equestrian history.

Overall, horsewomen riding side saddle embody a blend of skill, grace, and tradition, creating a visually stunning and historically rich equestrian experience.