Ukraine presented the world with one of the most important symbols of Christmas - the song "Schedryk". The folk composition gained worldwide recognition thanks to the talented arrangement of the Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych. "Shchedryk" by M. Leontovych was first performed by the Kyiv University choir in 1916. And a few years later, in 1922, it was sung by the Ukrainian Republican Chapel under the direction of Oleksandr Koshyts at Carnegie Hall in New York. In 1936, the American composer of Ukrainian origin, Peter Vilhovsky, created an English version of the text of the Ukrainian Christmas carol, and Shchedryk became known as Carol of the Bells. In the sketch for the postage stamp, the artist Mykolai Kochubei illustrated "Shchedryk" - a song about a swallow flying to God to herald a happy and prosperous year for the family.

Set consist
  • Sheet of stamps "Schedryk. Carol of the Bells " 
  • Cover PREMIER JOUR "Schedryk. Carol of the Bells "
  • Postcard "Schedryk. Carol of the Bells "