Manufactured by the Jade Falcons from 3077 onward on a Sudeten-based production line adjacent to that of the Turkina, the IIC 5 is similar to the original, its arms carrying paired Type DDS "Kingston" ER PPCs for anti-'Mech duty but with underslung Tau-II AP Gauss Rifles to keep infantry at bay. Reminiscent of Star League MarauderGM Whirlwind, a HAG 20 sits in the dorsal assembly along with two tons of ammunition. The IIC 5 maintains the 11.5 tons of ferro fibrous armor used for the original, though some is shifted from the arms and side torsos to the legs and center torso. Nineteen double heat sinks keep the 'Mech's heat levels totally under control.

-Resin printed on a Formlabs Form 3+ to ensure great detail on every mini print! 
-All miniatures are carefully washed, cured, and inspected after printing to make them "ready to prime and paint" upon arrival! 
-Battletech-accurate Scaling. These miniatures are scaled against the latest Battletech miniatures for the most accurate scaling. 
-All models are printed in a GREY or WHITE photopolymer resin and are fully cured before being packaged for shipping! 

Images may be renders of the models and physical prints may differ slightly, if you would like to see examples of our prints if there is not a physical listing displayed please feel free to reach out! We will remove all supports prior to shipping and minimal finishing will be required prior to painting.