Dragon Lord 龍少爺 1982 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Sub (Region A)

Cast: Jackie Chan, For Sing
Director : Jackie Chan
Language : Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles : English, Traditional Chinese
System : NTSC
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Screen Format : 1920 x 1080 Full HD
Sound System : dts HD MA 7.1
Duration : 103 mins
Release Date : 2012-10-16
Publisher : Kam & Ronson


The rich Wang has a son, Cowboy, who is the friend of Dragon Ho. One day we find Ho and Cowboy playing truant from their studies. The two young men are attracted by the beautiful Alice. Dared by Cowboy, Ho tries to get a love letter to her house by attaching it to a kite. The kite is blown off-course and Ho chases after it, desperate to recover his letter. The chase ends in a usually deserted house where Ho is surprised by imperial guards packing the treasure......

80年代的港產片乃成龍大哥的天下。自加入嘉禾電影 並拍攝《醉拳》(1978)後,成龍及他的動作電影廣為華人 及海外市場人士賞識。而這齣《龍少爺》由成龍自導自演, 兼任武術指導,當年票房大賣。《龍少爺》是一部成功的動 作片,由成龍同時擔任導演工作和演繹電影中的龍少爺,成 龍在電影中展示敏捷的身手。

清朝覆亡之日,大內總管程如虎眼見大勢已去,遂率領 手下一群禁衛軍,以保護國寶為名,將一批宮廷珍藏之古物 押離禁宮,輾轉至廣東境內之龍山鎮,利用當地首富王員外 與外國人稔熟的關係,將古物售與洋人,副總管海活反對將 寶出售,與程鬧至不歡而散。龍山鎮中另一富戶賀金璧,望 子成龍心切,重金禮聘名宿大儒,武林高手教導其子賀雲 龍,龍生性聰慧好武,盡得各武師所長。龍為拾風箏至一廢 置大屋,龍悄悄爬上屋頂,斯時屋中禁兵正忙於將國寶裝 箱……

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China