Escaping the sectarian carnage of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, Fiona Kavanagh has found sanctuary in the cool peace of Vancouver. Or so she believes until news of the breakout at the Maze prison brings back the destructive passions she thought she'd left behind. When Fiona hears that Davy McCutcheon is out of prison, she is overwhelmed. Now she faces some difficult choices. Can love transcend McCutcheon's commitment to the cause? Will Davy threaten the peace Fiona has found with The Doctor in Canada? And does Fiona want him to? From secret IRA meetings in tense County Tyrone to the easy tranquility of Vancouver, Patrick Taylor describes with delicate precision and painstaking detail the events that set the escape plan in motion. This is a haunting, exaltant prayer to the lives of those bound by the ties of patriotism and the intimate battles we fight to release our hearts from the fetters of love and loyalty. Patrick Taylor once again bleeds for agonies of a country torn apart, and celebrates the simple freedoms we all take for granted.