Waist Shaper Kit

Round Waist Shaper - Large and Medium

This tool has an ergonomic design and it’s perfect to treat areas like waits
and abs. It’s used in anti-cellulite protocols and fat breaking protocols, perfectly designed to massage and work both sides of the waist at the same time, relaxing the body, boosting micro circulation and reducing localized
adiposity by breaking fat cells.

Half Waist Shaper

It’s an ergonomic designed tool, perfect to work on abs, waist and thighs. It is used in contouring and fat breaking protocols because of its shape, which is perfect to contour the waist side by side and work on the thighs in the posterior part mostly, close to the glutes, boosting micro circulation, contouring the body and reducing localized adiposity by breaking fat cells.

Kit Includes - Large Waist Shaper, Medium Waist Shaper and Half Waist Shaper + Plus Free Gift