What is VenoMax Active and how does the drug work?

This is an innovative development of Swiss scientists, produced in the form of a thick gel. It is filled with healing plant extracts that:

remove excess fluid and harmful cholesterol; dissolve atherosclerotic plaques; significantly reduce venous congestion; strengthen vascular and venous walls from the inside and outside; improve circulation of lymph and blood.

Under the influence of the new product, the sensation of heat disappears, and venous lumps and nodes stop deforming and bulging. It helps to cure the disease at any stage and prevent relapses.


Due to the fact that the composition of the product is completely natural, it has no contraindications and does not cause any adverse reactions. The product is convenient to use at home, and the price of VenoMax Active is absolutely affordable. Please note that the result will be guaranteed and fast enough, you will not have to wait for it.


When creating the revolutionary concentrate, the ancient recipe of Hippocrates was used, combining healing natural extracts:

ginkgo biloba - reduces to 0 the risk of trophic ulcers and thrombosis of the lower extremities, improves metabolism and cellular regeneration; Japanese Sophora - relieves cramps and pain, gives lightness and removes severe swelling of soft tissues; calendula - stops the inflammatory process, tones muscles, smoothes veins; menthol - gives capillaries and blood vessels additional elasticity, improves the appearance of the skin; horse chestnut - restores natural blood circulation, prevents a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels. comfrey.

All natural ingredients penetrate deep into the epidermis and begin a healing effect at the cellular level. They soften and smooth the dermis, heal small cracks, relieve itching and irritation.

Mode of application

This product should be applied to previously cleansed skin of the affected areas, rubbing it in with massage movements. It is recommended to use it 1-2 times a day for a month, the duration of the course may vary.