*Contains 90% clay.


* Suitable for all skin types and suitable for baby skin.
* Dry skin; can moisturize dry skin
* Oily skin; can remove excess oil and balance the system skin.
* Repairs dead skin cells
* Eliminates body odor
* Brightens, smoothes and moisturizes the body.
* Get rid of skin diseases such as ringworm, ringworm, chicken pox, scabies,
   rash, itchy skin, dandruff and cracked heels.
* To samak @sertu @remove mughallazah najis first time apply Taharah soapy water on affected are followed by 6 times normal water.
* As a vegetable wash - soak vegetables to remove toxins and insecticides.
* As a clothes wash - removing traces of dirt such as blood, oil, rust, iron and others.
* Lowering body temperature in case of high fever.