I create these fun Keepsake jewelry trinket prayer boxes with refurbished and re-purposed materials that generally consist of vintage fabric, jewelry, gemstones ribbon, repurposed old cards and anything else I can find! For these reasons each box is one of a kind!
This box is accompanied by a mini tin which holds about 40 blank sheets for writing ideas thought and special prayers. This set is great for those seeking a deeper connection to their spirituality, offering a tangible way to express gratitude, brief thoughts and prayers. Each set also includes handcrafted potpourri in a light floral scent which is freshly created when a box is ordered giving the box a soft floral scent.
The interior of the box holds a special inspirational message or theme and is painted and coated for durability so is also perfect for storing small trinkets jewelry, mementos, photos, desk items and more.
About 4 inch tall x 4 inch diameter. This box is covered with old lace fabric and repurposed jewelry pieces. The attention to detail and handcrafted quality ensure that each box is a labor of love, reflecting the dedication to creating something truly special. I have several styles - please check out my store!