Sage Loose Leaves Herbal Tea 20gr(0.70oz)-4.9kg(10.80lbs)Salvia Triloba.


Scientific Name: Salvia Triloba.

It can sometimes be cut.

Sage is valuable, known since ancient times. The greatest civilizations of the ancient world held them in high esteem.

The leaves, which are also the most used part of the plant, are collected just before or at the beginning of flowering in dry and sunny weather, in May or June, and dried in the shade.

Sage tea also belongs to the list of caffeine-free teas. It is an aromatic decoction made from the leaves of common sage.

Sage has a strong aroma and earthy flavor, which is why it’s typically used in small amounts.

Simply pour about a cup of boiling water over a tablespoon of sage leaves and let them steep until the tea is as strong as you like. Then drain the leaves.

However, you can also make a more refined (and especially tasty!) version of this tea with the recipe below by combining fresh sage leaves with lemon and a little sugar.

Sage tea is a natural caffeine-free beverage and can be enjoyed hot or iced any time of the day or night.

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