Anti-Acne Powder 100% Herbal Treatment for Acne & Skincare

  • Apply it as a mask on the hair and clean it thoroughly. There will be natural conditioning of hair.
  • The texture of the skin gets improved by using this powder.
  • The product is 100% pure herbal without any effects.
  • It is beneficial if there is tanning on the face.
  • Useful for cleaning the dirt from the skin.

  • The regular use of Anti-Acne Powder makes your skin healthy.
  • Regular application of this pack also prevents you from the side effects of harmful rays of the sun.
  • The specialty of this Anti-Acne Powder is that it pulls the dirt from the skin.
  • By using the powder regularly on your face, you can quickly notice that it removes the dirt and access oil pores in your skin. You also experienced that it gives you flawless and healthy skin.
  • You can use it on any type of face such as oily, dry, and rough.
how to use:

Instructions of use:

Step 1: Take the powder and rose water or regular water in a clean bowl.

Step 2: Wash your face thoroughly and pat it dry.

Step 3: Gently apply this mixture all over the face evenly.

Step 4: Wash it off with lukewarm water