Description de La Isla De Fernando Poo en visperas del Tratado de San Ildefonso.

von Silveira, Luis.:

Silveira, Luis.:
Verlag / Jahr
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Madrid., 1959.
Format / Einband
23 x 17 cm. Original printed board. Cover and back cover slightly bronzy as well as abit shop-soiled and also a bit blotchy. Illustrated back cover. 14-39 (plus appendix).
ca. 444 g
Pages permanent slightly bronzy; as well as sometimes minimal blotchy. On the book endpaper with a hand written notice and a paper strip rubbing.With one folded map; and one full page lack/white illustrations. Instituto De Estudios Africanos. Spanisch 1. Stock 80|8858CB
Modernes Antiquariat. - Geographie und Reisen., , Afrika; Inseln; Literatur und Illustr. Bücher; Orts- und Landeskunde; Spanien
Unser Preis
EUR 18,00
(inkl. MwSt.)
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Description de La Isla De Fernando Poo en visperas del Tratado de San Ildefonso.

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