
Scientific Name: Helichrysum Italicum.

Greekherbay means bay with pure aromatic herbs, spices, many types of honey, Greek olive oil, nuts, superfoods, dried fruits, herbal oils, incense, natural sea sponges, Greek handmade soaps with olive oil base, aromatherapy products etc. We have selected unique varieties in flavors and aromas from all over the world as well as the best Greek local organic and conventional certified natural agricultural crops with the best quality.

Everlasting Flowers Immortelle Herb, It gives freshness and helps with hydration and is relaxing. It has many uses as a decoction and also for external use.

When talking about the benefits of helichrysum plant, consumed as tea, it can show its effects in a real sense. 

The golden flower heads of the helichrysum are collected for herbal use before they open to make aromatic, spicy, and slightly bitter teas. Very thin layers are dried in a shady, well-ventilated place.

Historical Greek mythology: Nature gave us Helichrysum as the gift of "eternal youth." The plant retains its beauty and vitality much longer after it has been cut. When Paris was traveling with Helen from Sparta to Troy, they stopped at Kythera to sacrifice to Aphrodite, trying to gain her favor.
Eleni was jealous of Aphrodite who lived on the island and asked Paris to tell her that she was the most beautiful.
Paris, a diplomat, said to Helen pointing to Helichrysum: "See this flower? You have the same golden hair, the same slender body and the same velvety skin as its petals. Your beauty will last forever."

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