Exploitation Nation #4: Rock 'n Roll Forever! by Watt, Mike, ISBN 1723307963, ISBN-13 9781723307966, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

Rock 'n Roll Movies capture what it's meant to be young, what it's meant to rebel against the establishment of your parents' world. Unbridled dancing, laughter, partying, aliens, zombies, sex, drugs, auto shop, malt raids, sock hops, and the rhythm method!Exploitation Nation's special 144-page salute to the rock 'n roll movie boasts an extensive interview with Paul Bunnell (The Ghastly Love of Johnny X); Jon-Mikl Thor and Frank Dietz talk Rock 'n Roll Nightmare; Terry Thome talks Slade in Flame and presents an exhaustive account of AIP's "Beach Party" films; The Purple One on Film; the missed opportunity of Slumber Party Massacre II! Plus: we say a tearful goodbye to our patron saint, Harlan Ellison. Finally, Richard Elfman drops by to say his piece about FORBIDDEN ZONE. All this and more (so very much more) in Exploitation Nation#4: Rock 'n Roll Movies Forever!!More pages! No extra cost (to you...we will remain in poverty so that you are entertained)!