Original early war German WWII Wehrmacht barb wire Stacheldraht, which had been used in German POW camps for British soldiers, like Stalag Luft III or Stalag VIII B, which was German prisoner of war camp set up to handle British Army prisoners, so it was called the Brittenlager (British camp). It was located in Lamsdorf, Silesia. Approx. 100 000 prisoners from Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa passed through this camp. Identical barb wire, used in the "Brittenlager" is shown in great book The British Soldier in Europe 1939 - 1945 by Peter Doyle and Paul Evans (The Crowood Press Ltd 2009), pages 56 - 57 (Chapter "Five long years - Prisoners of War in Germany) - see photos from that book in photo gallery. 

shipping costs to GB & Europe - £ 8. shipping costs to USA & Canada - £ 10

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