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Liderazgo Sin Lmites (Leadership on the Line Spanish Edition)

by Ronald Heifetz

Esta edición incluye un nuevo prefacio de los autores. Un verdadero clásico contemporáneo, Liderazgo sin límites ha influido en generaciones de líderes de todo el mundo desde que se publicó por primera vez en 2002. En este libro intemporal, las destacadas autoridades en liderazgo Ronald Heifetz y Marty Linsky dan vida al concepto transformador de liderazgo adaptativo y ofrecen ideas poderosas y prácticas para reducir los riesgos de dar un paso al frente. Tres son los objetivos de este libro: Mostrar que el cambio productivo debe ser adaptativo para ser sostenible. Ofrecer herramientas y modelos que reduzcan el riesgo para que las personas puedan ver cómo liderar y al mismo tiempo sobrevivir a los riesgos del cambio. Animar a las personas a que aprovechen las oportunidades de ejercer el liderazgo que se les presentan cada día. Tan profundo como útil, Liderazgo sin límites es tu guía esencial para liderar el cambio con valor, aptitud y sabiduría /// With a new preface by the authors. The dangerous work of leading change--somebody has to do it. Will you put yourself on the line? To lead is to live dangerously. It's romantic and exciting to think of leadership as all inspiration, decisive action, and rich rewards, but leading requires taking risks that can jeopardize your career and your personal life. It requires putting yourself on the line, disrupting the status quo, and surfacing hidden conflict. And when people resist and push back, there's a strong temptation to play it safe. Those who choose to lead plunge in, take the risks, and sometimes get burned. But it doesn't have to be that way say renowned leadership experts Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky. In Leadership on the Line, they show how it's possible to make a difference without getting taken out or pushed aside. They present everyday tools that give equal weight to the dangerous work of leading change and the critical importance of personal survival. Through vivid stories from all walks of life, the authors present straightforward strategies for navigating the perilous straits of leadership. Whether you're a parent or a politician, a CEO or a community activist, this practical book shows how you can exercise leadership and survive and thrive to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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Table of Contents

Primera parte: El desaf


Author Ronald Heifetz
Pages 302
Language Spanish
Year 2021
ISBN-10 8417963294
ISBN-13 9788417963293
Format Paperback
Imprint Reverte Management
Publication Date 2021-08-10
Country of Publication Spain
Publisher Reverte Management (Rem)
Audience General
