Batman & Robin MR. FREEZE OBSERVATORY Playset 

Throughout the 80's efforts were underway to bring a more serious perspective going back to the original version of the Batman. Finally in 1989 Batman came, directed by Tim Burton. Right from the get-go two interesting choices in casting. First Michael Keaton cast as Batman and Bruce Wayne, not a rugged muscleman but a talented actor that could show the torment of Batman and Bruce Wayne. Most importantly, an actor who could match the skills of the superstar actor brought in to play the role he was meant to play Jack Nicholson as the Crown Prince of Crime the Joker! a Super-hit

Three more films followed. Batman Returns with Michelle Pfeiffer playing Catwoman and Danny DeVito as the Penguin. Then Batman Forever, A new Batman Bruce Wayne in  Val Kilmer. A new Robin in Chris O'Donnell. a new love interest in Nicole Kidman. and Jim Carrey as the Riddler and Tommy Lee Jones as Two Face

Finally Batman and Robin. a new Batman again, George Clooney as Batman. Arnold Schwarzaneggar as Mr. Freeze. Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy.

This is one of the Mr. Freeze playsets issued in connection with the film. Bought and then never opeened!