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It's such a pleasure to bring to you this book of French woven scarf samples dating to the early to mid 1900s. This book is part of a larger collection to view the other books simply search my store for the word book and they will all appear. I can't begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed studying and documenting this book and the others! They are so very very rare!~ I wish more than 10 photographs was possible as there are SO many pages, each with another treasure. Most of the joy of this book will be experienced when you hold it and can look through all of the pages. There is so much more research needed on this book, it's a treasure!~

Approximate pages : 42
Approximate number of samples : 46

Approximately MEASUREMENTS:
Height: 16 inches
Width: 11 inches
Spine Thickness: 4 inches

CONDITION: This antique French wool fabric sample book is in lovely condition, commensurate with age. This book has signs of time and use often inherent in antique of this age. Please use the photographs to see exact condition details. Some pages are missing no samples and some pages are missing most!~ A fabulous piece of historical France. There are some samples that are damaged in places ~ nothing perfect about this historical document, but everything wonderful!.

The French have a very rich history of both printed and woven fabrics. This book is a collection of samples of woven scarves. This book is a record of one manufacturer but if you browse my collection you will see many that are each 100% unique!~
This book has many scarves with a Variety of Textures, colors and weaving techniques. From velvety soft to finely woven, each sample tells a unique story of French textile artistry, providing a tactile experience for any enthusiast. Some use silk, cotton most use wool!
The book itself is a work of art, adorned with a beautifully aged cover and delicate pages that transport you to a time when attention to detail was paramount. The handwritten notes and annotations add a touch of nostalgia and character to this piece. Often written near the sample was the fiber content, color choice , widths , runs and looms required, sometimes even patterns!
Historical Significance: This collection not only serves as a decorative masterpiece but also as a historical document. Witness the evolution of textile trends, color palettes, and weaving techniques that were prevalent in France during the early 1900s. During the 1700s, French woven fabrics underwent a remarkable transformation, emerging as prominent players in the textile landscape. Renowned weaving hubs, notably Lyon, became epicenters of craftsmanship, with skilled artisans mastering intricate techniques. Silk, the fabric of choice, featured elaborate patterns influenced by nature and classical themes. Technological advancements, including the revolutionary Jacquard loom in the early 19th century, elevated the sophistication of French woven fabrics. This period witnessed a surge in patronage from the French court and aristocracy, solidifying the fabrics' influence on European fashion. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these woven treasures mirrored societal shifts, making them an integral part of the 1700s textile narrative. Ideal for design inspiration, decorative touch in any textile lover's home and also for collecting. This book offers a tangible , factual look at textiles and designs in the early 1900's.

Inventory :23