2020 Garbage Pail Kids: Mr. & Mrs. Valentines 20 Card Red set! 

1a Corroded CARL

2a ADAM Bomb

3a Nasty NICK

4a KIM Kong

5a Dead TED

6a Brainy JANEY

7a Mean GENE

8a Weird WENDY

9a Bony JOANIE

10a Buggy BETTY

11b Corroded KARLA

12b ADDY Bomb

13b Nasty NICOLE

14b KEN Kong

15b Dead TILDA

16b Brainy JAMIE

17b Mean JANENE

18b Weird WENDELL

19b Bony BENNY

20b Buggy BARNEY

This year’s set is structured much like the last on demand set. There are 20 base cards in the set, comprised of 10 new paintings with a/b versions. Joe Simko, Brent Engstrom, David Gross, Joe McWilliams, and Neil Camera all completed two paintings for the set.