Family Guy: Season Nineteen DVD (2019) Seth MacFarlane cert 15 3 discs

Title: Family Guy: Season Nineteen Leading Actor: Seth MacFarlane Region: Region 2 Format: DVD / Box Set Type: DVD No. of Discs: 3 disc(s) Studio / Publisher: Elevation Sales UK Release Date: 09 Dec 2019 Edition: Box Set

The 19th volume of episodes of the animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane. The Griffins are an average North American family living in an average North American home in an average North American town. The dad Peter (voice of MacFarlane) is a big TV fan; mom Lois (Alex Borstein) is a former heiress who gave up her riches to marry the man she loves; 16-year-old Meg (Mila Kunis) is a drama queen eager to be accepted by her peers; 13-year-old Chris (Seth Green) likes his food and has the beginnings of a TV habit which could grow to equal his dad's; baby Stewie (MacFarlane) is a malevolent genius with plans for complete global domination; and martini-guzzling Brian (MacFarlane) is the family dog. The episodes are: 'Married With Cancer', 'Dead Dog Walking', 'Pal Stewie', 'Big Trouble in Little Quahog', 'Regarding Carter', 'Stand By Meg', 'The Griffin Winter Games', 'Con Heiress', 'Pawtucket Pete', 'Hefty Shades of Gray', 'Trump Guy', 'Bri, Robot', 'Trans-Fat', 'Island Adventure', 'Family Guy Lite', 'No Giggity, No Doubt', 'You Can't Handle the Booth!', 'Throw It Away', 'Adam West High' and 'Girl, Internetted'.

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