Wireworld Eqinox 6  XLR - Kabel

 Wireworld uses silver-clad OCC copper for the conductors: OCC stands for Ohno Continuous Casting, a technique for producing very long-grain copper which should, in principle, give near-ideal electrical behaviour. Insulation is high-density polythene.

We were surprised how high the capacitance of this cable is – still well below the level that might cause perceptible treble roll-off, but suggesting the use of multiple conductors internally.

Sonically, this would appear to be the ideal cable for lovers of strong, deep bass. There's a feeling with this cable that a few extra semitones at the bottom end have been revealed. This is really more to do with low end confidence than extension as such, but if you like that sort of thing it's great.

Even better, if you're more interested in upper frequency regions there's no price to pay in terms of definition higher up, as the bass is achieved without dominating midrange or treble.