Spy Games 中日南北和 1989 (Hong Kong Movie) BLU-RAY with English Subtitles (Region A)

Cast : Joey Wang, Kenny Bee, Waise Lee, Lee Ka Ding
Director : David Wu
Language: Cantonese
Subtitles : English,Traditional Chinese
Duration : 92 mins
Disc Format : Blu-Ray
Genres: Comedy 
Screen Format : Full HD 1080 Widescreen 
Sound System : Dolby True HD5.1
Release Date : 2022-04-29


Kudo (Saburu Tokito) and all the members of one Tokyo Rock Group want to give its lead singer Takako (Noriko Izumoto) a surprise birthday party. In order to keep the jealous Group Agent from ruining the party, group members plan to disguise themselves as KGB agents and threaten their Group Agent to stay away from Takako, because Takako’s father was wanted by the KGB, which makes Takako believes that her father is hiding in Hong Kong and she decides to find him.

為了令樂隊主音貴子 (泉本敎子 飾) 有一個驚喜生日派對,又免樂隊經理人參與而破壞氣氛,樂隊成員故和朋友打算扮成蘇聯特務,假裝要追殺貴子父親,恐嚇樂隊經理人遠離貴子;反令貴子信以為真秘密飛港救父。貴子在機上發現可疑蘇聯人,更弄出誤報機上有炸彈一事,繼而結識前來採訪的電視台主播記者鍾國健 (鍾鎮濤 飾) 和其拍擋 (廖偉雄 飾) 並一起尋貴子父親。另一方面,樂隊領班工藤 (時任三郎 飾) 、樂隊經理人亦抵港和王督察 (王祖賢 飾) 一同尋貴子。怎知「間諜謊言」終弄假成真,多國特務亦皆以貴子為獵物…… 

Region A: This region covers all of North America, South America and South East Asia.

Region B: This encompasses Europe, Africa, Middle East, French territories and Greenland.

Region C: Region which covers the rest of the world including Russia, Asia, and China