Breathe Easy Pendant  (for cardiopulmonary insufficiencies)

Crystal Catalyst® Energy Bead Gemstone Pendant by Biomagnetic Research Inc.
Designed to increase your life energy field
These pendants are composed of traditional stones which have been used to enhance the function of the chakras for the past 6,000 years. The Crystal Catalyst® Beads are added to greatly enhance and multiply the action on the etheric body of these stone combinations. Crystal Catalyst® pendants will not generally absorb and store negativity because it is cancelled out by the Crystal Catalyst® Beads which activate them.
Crystal Catalyst Bead® is a specially-fired Space Age Ceramic that powers the combination. It acts as a dielectric superconductor strengthening beneficial earth energy... its special firing makes it great for energy-sensitive people as well. Cleans and neutralizes harmful and negative energies in the environment. Protects user from electro-magnetic fields: computers, tvs, telephones, fluorescent lights...

Breathe Easy Pendant contains:
  • Carnelian
  • Tiger Eye
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Crystal Catalyst
  • Carnelian Agate
  • Red Jasper
For feelings of breathlessness - stones used to impart a feeling of freedom from limitation and general vigor.

The jasper base bead gives the etheric body what is needed to enhance liver function in the physical body. This particular combination is a favorite of customers who have congestive heart failure, asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis.
Pendant: Approx 2" long. To be hung on a chain or cord and worn over upper-chest area.