This hardcover book titled "Original MGB: The Restorer's Guide to All Roadster and GT Models" is a must-have for any automotive enthusiast. With a total of 152 pages, this book is packed with valuable information on the MGB models from 1962-1980. The author, Anders Ditlev Clausager, provides a comprehensive guide on the history, design, and specifications of the MGB, making it the perfect restoration guide for MGB/MGC/MGB GT collectors.The book is published by Bay View Books. in 1994 and is written in English. Measuring 12 inches in length, 9.1 inches in width, and 0.8 inches in height, this book weighs 36.5 ounces. The book is categorized under "Books" and "Books & Magazines" and falls under the genre of "Transportation" with topics on "Automotive/Buyer's Guides" and "Automotive/General."