By consuming HillVital Multivitamin drink powder you can help to strengthen the immune system's defences. Thanks to its powdered form, the 28 valuable and unique ingredients can be taken all at once and easily, since it can be dissolved in a glass of water in no time. It covers your total daily vitamin intake. Pleasant orange flavour, sugar-free, in an affordable package.

Package size: 360g, measuring spoon included

Area of use: immune system boosting

Strengthening and protecting the immune system requires special priority. Without proper protection we are at much greater risk from viruses and diseases. Fortunately, HillVital Multivitamin Powder contains the vitamins and minerals your body needs, and thanks to its powder form, you can take them quickly and easily.

You no longer need to take tablets and capsules one after the other, as you only need to take one dose mixed with water between meals.

Recommended use: mix one dose (12 g) with 250 ml of cold water and consume between meals, once a day

Let's see what HillVital Multivitamin powder contains.

vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is essential for vital enzymes to work. It is one of the water-soluble vitamins, so supplementation is necessary. Symptoms of deficiency include loss of appetite and slowing or, in worse cases, cessation of stomach and bowel movements.


vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is also one of the water-soluble vitamins. Its absorption is aided by vitamin B6, vitamin C and niacin. Symptoms of deficiency are rare, but dizziness and eye or stomach problems may occur.



Niacin or vitamin B3 is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. Deficiencies can occur due to an unbalanced diet and symptoms may include insomnia, loss of appetite and even weight loss.


Pantothenic acid

Pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, is found in every cell of our body. It plays a role in the healthy functioning of the nervous system and in the process of healing. Deficiencies are not common, but may cause fatigue, restlessness and headaches in people who are malnourished.


vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays a role in the proper functioning of the digestive system, as well as the nervous and immune systems. An unbalanced diet can lead to a deficiency.


Folic acid

Folic acid is also a water-soluble vitamin. It is involved in many biological and chemical processes. In its absence, it can lead to more serious conditions.


vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for the body. Symptoms of deficiency can affect the blood system, the nervous system and the stomach and intestinal tract.



Vitamin C can boost immune function and increase and enhance white blood cell function. In its absence, it can increase susceptibility to infections, as well as cause haemophilia, muscle pain and delay wound healing.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an important role in the regulation of calcium balance and the mineralisation of bones. Deficiencies are most common in autumn and winter. Significant deficiencies can lead to rachitis in children and bone softening or even osteoporosis in adults.


Vitamin E

Vitamin E plays an extremely important role. It can also support the heart, brain and immune system. It is able to exert its protective effect by preventing the generation of free radicals during the oxidation process of cells.



Biotin is essential for normal carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism and for maintaining healthy skin. When it is deficient, muscle aches and pains and even skin inflammation can occur.



Beta-carotene is the most important source of vitamin A, and it also has a role as an antioxidant. In severe deficiencies, it can cause vision problems, such as nyctalopia.



Calcium is a very important mineral that plays a crucial role in the functioning of muscles, nerves and the strength of bones. Its absorption is closely linked to vitamin D.



Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body. The most common symptoms of deficiency include weakness, muscle cramps, heart rhythm disturbances and difficulty in concentration and irritability.



Iron is involved in essential functions of the body. In its absence, the blood can carry less oxygen. Symptoms of deficiency include fatigue, dizziness and reduced physical and mental performance.



Iodine is not only involved in the proper functioning of metabolism, but is also essential for thyroid hormones. Deficiencies may indicate thyroid problems and the development of goitre.



Like other trace elements, zinc plays a major role in the body's metabolic processes. Its most prominent role is in maintaining the integrity of the cell membrane.



Like zinc, copper is a component of many enzymes. Nearly 90% of it is bound to a special protein. Deficiencies can lead to bone development disorders, anaemia and increased cholesterol levels.



Manganese is also involved in the structure and function of various enzymes. Despite this, its absorption is very poor.



The most important role of selenium is gained from its antioxidant effect. It has the ability to reduce oxidative stress and protect the cell membrane.



Choline is a macronutrient that is essential for the proper functioning of the liver and brain, as well as for the health of the nervous system, muscles and the maintenance of normal metabolism. Symptoms of deficiency include malaise, muscle weakness, memory problems and cognitive dysfunction, mental complaints.



Bioflavonoids mainly cover a group of active substances found in citrus fruits. They have a beneficial effect on the vascular system in the venous area.



Omega-3 fatty acids have many beneficial properties that contribute to good health. Their positive effects have been proven by research.



Inositol has many functions in the body. It is mainly involved in metabolic processes and in maintaining healthy functions of the nervous system. It is also useful in the treatment of high blood pressure and cholesterol.


Full list of ingredients: Vitamin B1; Vitamin B2; Niacin; Pantothenic acid; Vitamin B6; Folic acid; Vitamin B12; Vitamin C; Vitamin D; Vitamin E; Biotin; Beta-carotene; Calcium; Magnesium; Iron; Iodine; Zinc; Copper; Manganese; Selenium; Choline; Bitter orange peel extract; Rosehip fruit powder; Turmeric powder; Curcumin; Omega-3; Inositol; Betaine hydrochloride; L-glutamine.$_57.JPG?set_id=880000500F