2021 release. Monumental isn't even a word strong enough to describe Omega, the first collection of all-new material in five long years. On their eighth full-length, the Dutch symphonic metal titans go all cinemascope, in a stunt both effortlessly and cunningly unleashing their biggest, grandest, flashiest opus yet.

  • Disc 1, Track: 1 - Alpha - Anteludium
  • Disc 1, Track: 2 - Abyss of Time - Countdown to Singularity
  • Disc 1, Track: 3 - The Skeleton Key
  • Disc 1, Track: 4 - Seal of Solomon
  • Disc 1, Track: 5 - Gaia
  • Disc 1, Track: 6 - Code of Life
  • Disc 1, Track: 7 - Freedom - the Wolves Within
  • Disc 1, Track: 8 - Kingdom of Heaven PRT. 3 - the Antediluvian Universe
  • Disc 1, Track: 9 - Rivers
  • Disc 1, Track: 10 - Synergize - Ma
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2021 release. Monumental isn't even a word strong enough to describe Omega, the first collection of all-new material in five long years. On their eighth full-length, the Dutch symphonic metal titans go all cinemascope, in a stunt both effortlessly and cunningly unleashing their biggest, grandest, flashiest opus yet.