mLock - Digital touchless RFID Ignition Lock

Get ride of your ignition key! The mLock is a contact free digital ignition lock with RFID technology and substitutes mechanical ignition locks or their electrical switching feature respectively. The proximity digital key/transponder only has to be waved near the mLock, and the ignition is switched on or off. The mLock is based on the latest RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification) and therefore, unlike e.g. radio remote controls, tamper-proof. Each key/transponder has a unique digital code. The hidden mounting of the small mLock, covered by non-metallic parts like e.g. a plastic side panel, permits completely removing the mechanic ignition lock. Clean look and various design possibilities are guaranteed - especially for custom bikes! The available/optional glass tube "Pill" (not included) is a transponder is so small (3 x 13 mm) that it can be sewn into the finger or side of a glove - Add Option in drop down in addition to the mLock. All keys/transponders are available as a replacement 'key blank' and can be 'taught' to the desired m-Lock. NOTE: The mLock CANNOT BE USED with security key RFID immobilized bikes! Dimensions:Advantages: