This 4x6 ultra-premium glossy art print is a handmade masterpiece that will bring joy to any art lover. The print features an anime waifu with fantastic artwork that brings out a fantasy world. The item is produced in 2024 and is made of high-quality gloss paper, making it perfect for framing or displaying anywhere in your home or office. The print is a single piece, and the dimensions are 6 inches in length and 4 inches in width. The item is created in the United States and is perfect for those who love anime and manga art themes. This art print is suitable for adults as it contains content that is not suitable for minors.

If a photo have any sort of marking on it but when you receive the item the mark shall not be there 

Please be assured that none of our artwork depicts real people. Any resemblance to real people is coincidental.

All characters are 18+ years old. 

All images are just character fanarts.