Love or money  1970 drag racing

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For Love or Money 30 min

This made-for-TV special ran on one of the major networks of the time. Drag Racing 1970 the way it was! This film ends all speculation on how the world of drag racing was in the 70's. Listen to the words in the  opening segment  (its a crackup!) You can tell by watching this film that it was produced on the fly just catching things as they happened. Very well done and very unique.


See the PROMO here!

(Its groovy!)




NHRA 1965 Winter Nationals (B&W) 30 min

This film was restored from an original Kinescope. Very early wide world of sports coverage. Remember in those days video cameras were the size of a small refrigerator, so there was not a lot of on-location coverage of events like this.

The quality can be compared to the old Honeymooner shows of the era. The historical value of this film showing greats like Connie Kalitta, Don Prudhomme winning the finals encouraged me to include this film to this DVD.


Wonderful World of Auto Racing

30 min

A compilation film of auto racing in the year 1970.  A very good segment on drag racing show events not seen in over 35 years. Also included are segments on Trans Am racing, Can Am, Indi, NASCAR.


As always all carfilms DVDs are created from original prints or negatives to assure the best quality available for these films.