Artist:  David Shrigley
Title:  People Expect So Much From Me
Size: 31.5 x 24 Inches (80 x 62.5 cm)
Medium: Digital Print on 200g Munken Lynx paper
  Open Edition 
Year:  2019

Custom Framed to Fit in Flat White and Acid free Spacers

David Shrigley posters created from the unique work: People Expect So Much From Me (2021)

Select color paintings reproduced as large format posters. Made to encourage joy, thoughtfulness and curiosity in any space for everyone.

These are official David Shrigley posters made exclusively for Shrig Shop in collaboration with the artist. This poster is an open edition.

80 x 60 cm
Printed on 200g Munken Lynx paper
Printed by Narayana Press in Denmark