Protection and Facilities Afforded to Workers'Representatives in the Undertaking ; Report V (1) Fifth Item on the Agenda Fifty-Sixth Session International Labour Conference Geneva 1971

Verlag / Jahr
Geneva : International Labour Office, 1970.
Format / Einband
24 x 16 cm 43 Pages
ca. 90 g
Original Broschur mit Bibliotheksschild auf Vorderdeckel. Innen mit Bibliotheksstempel, sehr sauberes Exemplar. Englische Sprache. - Original Paperback with Library label on front cover. Inside with Library stamp, in very good condition. English Language B03-03-04A|S14
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EUR 15,00
(inkl. MwSt.)
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Protection and Facilities Afforded to Workers'Representatives in the Undertaking ; Report V (1) Fifth Item on the Agenda

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