An AVON anthology of unabridged novels and short stories1951. This is #1002 and originally priced at 50 cents. Bindings are separating from the cover page. Spine is bowed and shows creases. Spine shape telegraphs to form an uneven text block. Cover is wrapped in a clear plastic, likely very difficult to remove. Underneath the cover is in good condition. Very minor yellowing and foxing considering the item's age and paper stock. Inside cover and contents are clear of annotation. All pages are present easily readable.

Contents include:
• The Roots of His Evil by James M Cain (novel)
• I'll Never Go there Anymore by Jerome Weidman (novel)
• Short Stories by Hemingway, O'Hara, Faulkner, Douglas, Mecken, Algren, Shaw, Benét and Farrell
• Seven "all time favorites"