• Greenhouse lighting
  • Hydroponics
  • Aquaponics
  • Supplemental Plant Lighting
  • Microgreen Lighting
  • CEA Agriculture
  • Plant growth


Hilux Gro HPS DE cresce leve

HiLUX Gro™ 1000W High Pressure Sodium Lamp for Plant Growth

planta crescendo luz

Plant Grow Lights attempt to provide a spectrum of light similar to that of the sun or a spectrum more adapted to the needs of cultivated plants.

Outdoor conditions are mimicked with varying colors, temperatures, and spectral outputs of the grow light depending on the type of plant being grown, the stage of cultivation (e.g., the germination/vegetative phase or the flowering/fruiting phase), and the photoperiod required by the plants, specific spectrum ranges, luminous efficacy, and color temperature are desirable for use with specific plants and time periods.

de hps1000w

DE AHS1000W plant grow lights are used for horticulture, indoor gardening, plant propagation and food production, including indoor hydroponics and aquatic plants. Although most grow lights are used on an industrial level, they can also be used in homes.

Better distribution of spectral energy allows the cultivation of a greater variety of plants

The lamp can produce a very balanced and efficient spectrum for plant growth. The lamps have greater luminous efficiency than common lamps and have greater penetrating power and a long useful life. It emits a red and orange spectrum that is among the most energy-efficient indoor lighting sources and extends the growing season. They can be used during the vegetative, flowering and fruiting phases, and the yellow spectral output makes them ideal for flowering

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